Monday, 8 September 2014

5:2 Tips and Tricks

Fasting isn't easy. As much as I love the 5:2 diet and what it does for my waist-line and my health, I don't always (or often!) love the fasting days. It can be really hard, but there are some tricks that will help you get through the day.

  • Water, water, water - drink as much water as you can, it fills your stomach and keeps you hydrated, it can also distract you from wanting to eat. For flavour you can add some mint leaves or a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Tea - if you can't drink any more water, tea is good. Strictly it should be black or herbal but I do often have tea with skimmed milk and ignore the calories (naughty I know, but it's only a few calories!). Find a herbal tea you like (I like mint green, or peppermint or camomile) for some variety. I also like to make fresh mint tea with mint from the garden, this makes a nice ice tea too for summer fasting days.
  • Fizzy drinks - not the ones full of sugar, plain fizzy water is good if you like it as it seems to fill you up a bit more than still water. I don't like plain fizzy water so I have it with some no added sugar squash. If I'm really struggling, like if I have a long day or am being extra active, I might treat myself to a diet coke.
  • Although it feels counter-intuitive, I find fasting a lot easier if I don't eat much the night before. It's very tempting to stuff yourself the evening before a fasting day but I find a small dinner and no snacks after really helps. I am much less hungry the next day and hardly notice that I'm fasting.
  • If none of the above work and you're really suffering, eat something low calorie. There's no point killing yourself over this. If you can, take the calories from a later meal, but if you have to go over your 500 (or 600 for men, lucky things!) it's not the end of the world. The book suggests that you shouldn't regularly go even a few calories over but I think that even if I end up eating a couple of hundred more calories (I very rarely do) then I'm still eating a LOT less than on a normal day, and I've still had my 16 hours fasting period.
Things to remember:

  • Hunger comes and goes so try to ignore it or drink one of the above and it should go away within an hour, I find my hunger patterns are the same on fasting and non-fasting days, I just don't get to satisfy them by eating on a fasting day
  • YOU CAN EAT TOMORROW!!! I find this really helps, especially when it gets towards the end of the day when I'm most hungry. Once it's evening, it feels like I've nearly succeeded so it's a waste to give in and it's only a few hours until I can eat (not counting the hours I'm asleep as I'm not conscious of hunger then!)
  • Be flexible - 5:2 is a lifestyle rather than a quick fix diet, so it needs to fit your life. I have 2 standard days (Monday and Thursday) but often move one or both to fit around my week. I also miss days if I can't fit them around what I'm doing or if I'm on holiday. Sometimes I do half days where I fast until the evening then have a normal meal (for example if I am going out for a meal and can't move my day). I have been known to do a normal fast day and then eat a cupcake in the evening (I had to test them to check they were edible!).
If possible, it's probably best to be as strict as you can manage for the first month or so whilst you get used to it, but then, be flexible. If you are fasting 2 days a week, every week, an extra few calories every now and then, or a missed day, isn't going to be a problem.

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